On a Social Media Break

The Life Changing Magic Of A Social Media Break

message thing

If I told you that taking a social media break would change your life, would you believe me?

Hear me out.

It's estimated that between five – 10% of Americans are addicted to social media, which the Habit Centre defines as:

…a behavioral habit that is characterized as being overly concerned virtually social media, driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, and devoting so much time and try to social media that it impairs other of import life areas.

71% of people sleep with their phones each night, and 74% of all Americans cheque Facebook every mean solar day.

Clearly, social media is designed to keep us coming back over again and again.

If you lot feel like yous're spending more time on information technology than you lot should, yous aren't solitary. It's also not your fault directly. Social media is engineered to keep you coming back for more, increasing your dependency on information technology over fourth dimension.

Simply knowing you need to interruption abroad from social media and actually doing so are two unlike things.

Let'southward talk about how to take a break from social media.

A social media break (or detox equally information technology'south frequently called) is when you take a menstruation of time where you will use zero social media. This can exist anywhere from 24 hours to a month.

If y'all don't desire to completely take a interruption from social media, but instead merely want to reduce the amount of time y'all spend on information technology, consider using a tool like our Limit Chrome extension. It allows you lot to set strict limits for how long you can visit specific sites each day.

Now, to exist clear, a social media detox won't necessarily create a long-term change in social media habits, merely it tin can give you lot a reset, of sorts. Information technology can remove unnecessary noise and the negative emotional triggers often caused by social media.

There are a lot of reasons why you might consider taking a break from social media. You might feel overwhelmed past what's going on in your feeds and want to disconnect for a little while. You might be experiencing information overload and need to dial things back. Or yous might have a large project you need to work on and don't want to be distracted. Or maybe you just want to be more intentional nigh how yous utilize your time.

Social media is addicting, and you lot may non be consciously aware that you need a pause. If you're suffering from any of the post-obit, and so it'south time for you lot to undergo a social media detox.

Being Constantly Bellyaching

Social media isn't meant to add to your angst. If you find yourself constantly getting frustrated with people's posts, comments, or the thoughts you meet spread around social media, it's fourth dimension for a intermission. Nosotros've got enough bedevilment in our lives — social media shouldn't exist adding to your frustration.

Parts of social media that may frustrate y'all can include people oversharing, highly political posts, posts from people that you discover upsetting, so on. Ultimately, information technology doesn't really affair what the cause of your annoyance is, but that you're in a state of consequent agitation. This inevitably spills over into other areas of your life, like relationships, work, etc.


One of the chief reasons why social media is so unhealthy is considering information technology's generally a highlight reel. People about never post their failures but consistently post their successes and all-time images. If you find yourself comparing your life, mental wellbeing, trunk, or anything else to others on socials, information technology'south time to pace dorsum.

Teddy Roosevelt famously said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others on social media, you're going to be miserable virtually of the time.

Wasted Time

Few things cause more wasted fourth dimension than social media. You tell yourself you'll quickly cheque Instagram…but two hours later, you're still scrolling. Obviously, information technology's not incorrect to spend time on social media, but do you really desire to spend that much fourth dimension? Think of all the other things you lot could be doing that are ultimately more rewarding.

If yous discover yourself unable to intermission away from that, you demand a healthy social media cleanse.

two women enjoying pizza in a park

Remember how I said that taking a break from social media could change your life? Scientific discipline backs that upwardly.

Quitting social media for ane week alone increased people's moods. Those who eliminated social media for a week found their contentment levels rose from seven.12/10 to 8.12/x, whereas those who continued to use it had their happiness levels decrease.

Another study by Pew Research institute that most social media users are dependent on the platforms, and being that way frequently causes people to be less open-minded.

There are a multitude of benefits to taking a social media break. Here are some of the highlights.

Improved Relationships

Your smartphone and social media accounts often become a substitute for real-life interactions. Far too many of u.s.a. spend time with other people on our phones, rather than talking and catching up with friends and family unit in meaningful ways. And even when nosotros're physically with friends or family, we're nevertheless often glued to our screens rather than deepening our relationships.

Without the allure of social media, conversations with people in our lives get more than meaningful and involved. You lot also end up having more fourth dimension to spend with them.

What'southward more, you often end up becoming less judgemental. When you disengage from social media and actually spend time with people, you realize that anybody is human being and that we're all just trying to figure out the all-time way to make information technology through the earth. You acquire to not judge people just by what they post on social media.

Lowered FOMO

FOMO, or fear of missing out, goes down when nosotros end using social media. One of the biggest harms in these platforms is their ability to make us experience like nosotros aren't doing enough, whether that be not enough practise, vacations, residue, work, or anything else.

Social media makes the states feel like we accept to do it all. Without it, you can focus on the activities that bring y'all the nigh joy, rather than the ones that create the most likes. Instead of hopping on the latest TikTok trend, you lot tin can practise things that really enrich your life.

Amend Cocky-Worth

Since social media is people'due south highlight reel, where they post photos of their biggest successes and most enthralling activities, we can oftentimes feel like we aren't sufficient. Whether it be the mode we expect, our job, current relationship condition, or anything else, social media tin can really hurt the way we view ourselves.

By taking a social media pause, that pressure decreases, and we often realize our lives are wonderful enough as they are. We likewise are free to spend more time with people and on activities that make us feel practiced about ourselves.

Increased Productivity

Since social media is notorious for being a time suck, the emptying of it means we tin can get more done and take more hours in our solar day. According to Learn Safe, teens and adults spend anywhere from two to nine hours per day on social media. Imagine what y'all could practise with that fourth dimension!

Additionally, social media acts as a disruptor when we're working or studying. Without it, your menstruum land won't be interrupted and yous can get more washed in less time.

The respond to this question is highly private. You can start pocket-sized with a break of just a few hours and build your style up to more substantial breaks.

The typical social media break lasts anywhere from a few hours to 1 or more weeks. Don't feel pressured to accept a long break correct off the bat; ease into it. That said, if you truly desire to pause a social media addiction, y'all may demand three or more weeks.

The perfect time for a social media intermission can be when you lot're about to head out of town and take a vacation anyway. Disable social media notifications and relish your time off.

How To Really Brand Information technology Happen

Now that you know the benefits of a social media break, hither are some practical strategies to get it done.

Someone deleting an app on an iphone
Photo by Dimitri Karastelev on Unsplash

Delete apps

Maybe y'all go onto your phone for a completely unrelated reason, maybe information technology'south to cheque your business relationship residuum on a financial app, but then y'all see Facebook's logo correct at that place and determine to click.

To avert "accidentally" catastrophe upwardly on social media, delete the apps from your phone. That way, you don't incidentally come across the icons and get lured into using the platform. This likewise creates a higher barrier to entry, as in club to check social media on your phone, you'd accept to re-download the app and sign back in.

Unfortunately, this alone won't prevent you from opening upward social media on your desktop, but never fright. We've got a solution for that, too.

Block the websites

In add-on to deleting apps from your smartphone, use Freedom to block all the social media sites that might tempt you. If y'all really desire to be sure that yous don't give into temptation, use Locked Mode, which prevents you from disabling Freedom.

If you've ever used the time limit setting on the iPhone, you know that it'southward pretty useless when information technology comes to really keeping you off social media. All you have to exercise is tap a button and you lot can disable time limits for the entire day.

Using Locked Style ensures that you don't requite into temptation.

Have a friend change your passwords

If you're at your wit'due south end and need assist from someone else, asking a trusted friend to change the passwords to your well-nigh addictive social apps tin can do the play tricks. Make sure you trust them plenty to give them access to your accounts, though. Exist wary when using this approach.

However, if you do accept a trusted friend or family unit fellow member you can rely on, this can be a bang-up way to strength you to detox from social media. Brand sure your person of selection is up to the job of denying you those passwords if you get drastic and start begging!

Tell this companion how long you want to remain off social media and inquire them to requite yous your passwords one time that time lapses. Again, be cautious with this method, and only ask people you really trust.

One of the biggest benefits of taking a break from social media is that you have much more time to invest in other activities that tin can enrich your life and so much more.

Outset, determine how much time you spend on social media. iPhones and Macbooks have time trackers built in, and then that's an excellent fashion to outset. If you spend iii hours per day on social media, plan to schedule other activities to account for the time yous'd usually be scrolling.

These activities tin be anything, merely consider the ones that get you away from screens altogether. Y'all could plan to spend those hours with a friend, cooking, practicing a new hobby, training for a sport, or something else entirely.

When you fix out on that new activity, consider leaving your phone behind or otherwise implementing strategies to continue you off social media such every bit deleting the apps. When you're truly addicted to something, it'southward easy to skid back into it. Leaving your phone behind is the best style to focus on the new activity you lot chose.

Find other means to stay in the loop

Finding other means to stay informed tin can be catchy, but it can exist done. It also forces you to effigy out which information actually matters versus what is just information overload.

You tin ask friends and family to relay major life updates of themselves and others to you. Since y'all're off social media, one excellent way to spend that time is with loved ones. Yous'll also find an increased conversation quality. You can ask these people to share updates with you so you stay informed.

If there are people whose lives you care deeply nearly, you lot can schedule regular times to talk with or meet them. This ensures you lot don't miss whatever meaningful life updates. You lot can likewise simply enquire people to text you and explicate that you lot'll exist off socials.

In terms of things like news, consider signing up for a few select, high-quality newsletters that cover subjects yous're interested in. You can also utilize a news app, but be wary since they often role like to social media apps, with endless scrolling.

Spend meaningful time with people

To build off the previous point, replacing time spent on social media with seeing loved ones is an excellent way to stay up-to-date with the lives of those who matter most. While social media gives you a window into hundreds, if not thousands of people'due south lives, how many of those people practise you care deeply about?

Instead, make a larger effort to spend quality time with the people who affair most. This tin strengthen your relationship with them and improve your quality of life. You'll likewise detect that these are the people who include yous in fun activities, so feelings of FOMO subtract.

Although social media offers positive benefits to society, it can besides be extremely detrimental when overused. Social media addiction isn't a new miracle, but it's still one many people grapple with.

Start past taking small-scale steps and implementing the suggestions in this article. Slowly, yous'll decrease your habit to social media, and you lot'll exist surprised what impact that has on your quality of life.

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